Terms and Conditions1 Ordering and Cancelling ProductWe, Ryman Limited in partnership with Print Evolved ("we" or "us" or "our") will supply to ("you" or "your"), the person named in the order form completed on this web site (the "Order"), the personalised product made to your individual specification (the "Product") at the address shown on the Order. You order through our web site by completing the order and checking that all the information including personalised design for your Product and all costs and quantities set out in the Order is to your satisfaction. You acknowledge that by completing and submitting the order to us for purchase by providing us your credit/debit card details, you have reviewed the information provided, understand the rights and respective limitations and you wish to make an offer to purchase the Product on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, terms and condition in your order/enquiries inconsistent therewith shall be of no effect.
We reserve the right to decline any order without giving any reason.
You warrant and undertake to us that any intellectual property rights incorporated in the information and design for your Product does not infringe any intellectual property or other rights of any third party, is not of an illegal or libellous nature, and we have the right to use the information and design that you have given to us for the purpose of this Agreement. You will indemnify us in respect of any claim relating thereto (including all reasonable legal expenses). 2 RefundsIf after placing your order you wish to cancel your order, and you contact us before 3pm on the day of placing the order, we can provide a refund. After 3pm will not be able to provide a refund as we will have started to produce your order. Where you have asked us to create your artwork, and you wish to cancel an unapproved order we will only refund the cost of printing, not the design charge. 3 Description of the ProductThe main characteristics of the Product are described on our web site as notified to you during the interactive design stage of your Product prior to submitting the Order. Your completed and submitted Order "unapproved order" indicates that you have reviewed and satisfied yourself in respect of the main characteristics of the Product including the design and layout and the correct spelling of any names and words, correct colours used, and correct details of any postal address, telephone, fax and/or e-mail details. Under certain circumstances we will send you an ELECTRONIC PROOF of the product. We expect you to check that all detail on this proof in terms of layout, text content and spelling is correct and as per your requirements. Once you have responded back to us saying you are happy with and accept the proof, we will we approve your order (as in point 1) and use the proof to print the product. WARNING : If you accept the proof and there are any mistakes (spelling, incorrect content or layout), we will not be liable for the mistakes in the printed product that we supply you, as also stated in point 6. 4 PriceThe price payable for the Product is the price as is set out in identical terms in both the approved Order and the Invoice (the "Price"). 5 Payment Terms5.1 You must pay us the Price for the Product by using one of the payment methods made available on the Order. 5.2 When selecting to pay the Price by credit or debit card, we will debit the Price to your credit or debit card on order approval confirmation making an "approved order". 6 DeliveryWe aim to dispatch the Product to you within the agreed delivery period from order confirmation. We will deliver the Product to the shipping address registered in your account details and on the order. An additional charge may be incurred if delivery has to be made to an address different from the shipping address. If you have not received the delivery within 15 working days after the delivery period (or 20 working days if delivery outside of the UK), please inform us. We will try and resolve the non-delivery and keep you informed. We will not be responsible for any loss of trade or profit occurring to you as a result of delay in delivery or delivery of incorrect or faulty Product. We will not be responsible for any loss of trade or profit occurring to you as a result of the Product getting lost in transit. We will reprint the lost items once the delivery company confirms they have lost the delivery. Risk in the Product passes to you on delivery of the Product to you. 7 Acceptance of ProductIn the event of the product being faulty, please contact us within 30 days from the date of receipt of the product. If you have cause for complaint please contact us immediately. We will attempt to resolve the dispute within five working days and to keep you informed of progress if the dispute remains unresolved. We are not responsible for any text or composition errors you may have made or any errors. If you are in any doubt we would recommend purchasing a small order to start for a trial. Variations in quantity - Every endeavour will be made to deliver the correct quantity ordered, but estimates are conditional upon margins for 10 percent. Variations in cut size - The cut size will be whatever you have specified for the product subject to a variation of 1.5mm in width and height. Full colour printing - Every effort will be made to obtain the best possible colour reproduction on customer's work but because of the nature of the processes involved, we shall not be required to guarantee an exact match in colour or texture between the (customer's photograph, transparency, other samples, monitor display - local or over the internet) and the printed Product, or between different sets of printed products (e.g. two sets of business cards or between a set of business cards and letterheads). Look and Feel - Depending on your screen size and resolution, the designs may appear bigger or smaller on screen than the actual printed version of the design, but elements of the design (card/compliment slip/letterhead/envelope/etc.) will print in the same proportions as they appear on screen, in respect to the size of elements and also the spacing between elements, elements being text and logo's. There is a 1.66% quality acceptance level which means that a Product is deemed to be of an acceptable level of quality if any detail deviates by less than or equal to this level. All text elements will print with specified characteristics as displayed on screen (i.e. with correct font/bold/italic/position). All Logo elements will print as displayed on screen in terms of relative position and size. The quality of the printed logo will depend on the quality of the logo you provide (i.e. upload). The higher the dpi of the logo, the better the end result. If you use our online designer, please ensure that you have the Adobe Flash installed as our software may not be compatible with another vendor. 8 PrivacyYou expressly consent that we may use the personal data you have given to us in the Order solely for the purpose of this Agreement, for making services available to you, for marketing our Product and services to you and to disclose to other third parties such as our suppliers for marketing purposes. You may opt out of receiving such future marketing mailings, and you may choose not to have your name disclosed to third parties for this purpose. If you choose to do this, you can do this by marking a checkbox on your personal profile. Our obligations under this Agreement include but are not limited to the disclosure of your personal data to the companies and organisations engaged to supply and deliver the Product to you including without limitation printers of the Products, couriers and other relevant postal authorities, any other person and/or organisation engaged by us to fulfil your Order and all other relevant authorities who are entitled to or to whom we owe a legal obligation to the disclosure of your personal data. You acknowledge that after having been advised of the purposes and circumstances under which your personal data may be used, processed and disclosed to other parties as detailed in these terms and conditions and on the Web site you explicitly consent to the disclosure and the transfer of your sensitive personal data to the printers of the Products, and relevant postal authorities, other relevant authorities and direct marketers of Products and services which may be of interest to you. 9 Events beyond our controlWe are not responsible for any delay or failure in carrying out our duties under this Agreement if the delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control. These circumstances include civil commotion, riots, flood, drought, fire, the postal service, the courier service and strikes. You must allow us reasonable time to carry out our duties in these circumstances. 10 Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. The terms of any other electronic message or order or any other communications you may have sent to us not forming part of the Order will not apply. 11 SeverabilityIf a court decides that any part of this Agreement is not valid or cannot be enforced, that part will not apply. All other parts of this Agreement will continue to apply. 12 Changing the Contract12.1 If we decide not to enforce a right under this Agreement, this does not prevent us from enforcing that right in the future. 12.2 We reserve the right to make changes to this Site and to these Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notice. You should review these Terms & Conditions each time you access this Site. 13 Governing LawThis Agreement will be governed by English law and will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Our Copyright NoticeThe content of this site is protected by (UK) and international copyright laws. No part of the site may be copied, reproduced, distributed, redistributed, modified displayed, downloaded or performed without prior written permission and consent of Print Evolved and Ryman. This site is provided as an online ordering resource by Print Evolved. The site is provided on an "as is" basis and may be subject to errors and omissions. Print Evolved makes no express or implied warranties of any kind relating to the provision of information or service on or by this site. Print Evolved will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use or misuse of this site or any of the information contained within it. We reserve the right to make changes to this site, disclaimers, and terms and conditions at any time. |